An evening with Philip Chiu
Saturday, November 5, 2022 | St. George on Yonge
Philip Chiu, a rising star among Canadian musicians, will present a piano recital
When: Saturday, November 5, 2022, at 7:30 pm (2 hours)
Where: St. George on Yonge, main worship space
Tickets*: $25/adult | $10/child under 12 years
Tickets can be purchased through Eventbrite.
Franz Liszt – from Légendes (Legends)
St-François d’Assise prêchant aux oiseaux (Saint Francis of Assisi’s sermon to the birds)
Barbara Assiginaak – Mnidoonskaa, Ntam Ginjigan (An Abundance of Insects, Book One), commissioned by Philip Chiu (2021)
1. Maangodikomak (Water striders)
2. Miskosiik (Water bugs)
3. Bebskiigsenyik (Mosquito larvae)
4. Mshkiigikiing zgimekaa (In the swamp there are lots of mosquitos)
5. Bezhik aw zgimenh n’gamo (One certain mosquito sings)
Maurice Ravel – Ma mère l’oye (Mother Goose Suite)
1. Pavane de la Belle au bois dormant (Pavane of Sleeping Beauty)
2. Petit Poucet (Little Tom Thumb / Hop-o’-My-Thumb)
3. Laideronnette, impératrice des pagodes (Little Ugly Girl, Empress of the Pagodas)
4. Les entretiens de la belle et de la bête (Conversation of Beauty and the Beast)
5. Le jardin féerique (The Fairy Garden)
Schubert – Four Impromptus D. 899 (Op. 90)
No. 1 in C minor (Allegro molto moderato)
No. 2 in E♭ major (Allegro)
No. 3 in G♭ major (Andante)
No. 4 in A♭ major (Allegretto)
Franz Liszt – from Légendes (Legends)
St-François de Paule marchant sur les flots (St. Francis of Paola walking on the waves)
An evening with Colette and Pascal
TBD | St. George on Yonge
Colette and Pascal will present a program of Gospel music as well as piano selections
When: Postponed
Where: St. George on Yonge, main worship space
Tickets*: $25/adult | $10/child under 12 years
*Tickets can be purchased through Eventbrite, during coffee hour after Sunday worship, and from the Church office on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Tickets will also be available at the door. For more information, contact the Church office at 416 -225-1922 |