At St. George on Yonge, we are committed to a way of life and learning that takes us into a deeper relationship with God and with each other.
Whether you are interested in learning about the Christian faith for the first time or you’re a lifelong believer looking to gain new insights into your faith, there are a variety of opportunities to become involved.
If you are wondering about the Christian faith, St. George on Yonge is a place where everyone is welcome to come and bring their questions, like: What do Christians believe about God? Who was Jesus Christ? What happens in church?

Prayer Requests
Prayer is an important part of the church’s ministry, and we consider it a privilege to offer prayers on your behalf for you or someone you know, whatever your need or thanksgiving may be.
Devotional Resources
Many of these sites have a wealth of material that will enhance your spiritual life and a growing faith. As well, they have links to other similar pages and sites. The pages listed are just a starting point.
The Sisterhood of St. John the Divine is an Anglican monastic community with a convent located near St. George on Yonge on Cummer Avenue. The Sisters’ ministry includes a guest house for individual and group retreats, regular worship services in the chapel and other spiritual resources.
The Order of the Holy Cross is an Anglican monastic community of monks with a Priory located near High Park in Toronto. The Brothers offer retreats and a quiet place for reflection and prayer.
The Society of St. John the Evangelist is an Episcopal (Anglican) monastic community located in Cambridge and West Newbury, Massachusetts. Their website provides spiritual resources, including daily email devotionals.
An ecumenical Christian community based in Taizé, France that provides a very short daily Bible verse and meditation, a longer monthly meditation and archived answers to questions about the Christian faith. “To the sources of faith” on the Taizé home page will give you access to these resources.
The online version of the popular booklets available at St. George’s every three months provides daily Bible verse and meditation, as well as a listing of the readings for each day. There are also links to the daily and Sunday lectionary.
Daily meditation, Bible passage reference and prayer suggestions.
A site run by the Irish Jesuits that includes a daily prayer and Scripture reading, along with helpful guides to assist you in praying and reading. Meant to help you pray for a few minutes daily.
Say (or sing) the Daily Office (morning or evening prayer) from your computer. Includes musical accompaniment so you can sing the hymns karaoke-style!
Another daily prayer resource in the Anglican tradition, complete with musical accompaniment for the hymns. It also has a search engine for Bible passages and a host of other worship material.