Altar Guild
Members of the Altar Guild prepare the sanctuary and chapel for worship. This involves the care of communion vessels and linens, as well as arranging flowers and other sanctuary adornments. New members are most welcome. This ministry is behind the scenes and is a very important part of preparations for Sunday worship and major festivals throughout the church year.
Sub Deacon
Sub Deacons assist the presiding celebrant throughout the worship service. They read the Gospel, set the altar for communion, assist in serving communion and lead the dismissal at the end of the liturgy.
Servers’ Guild
Adults and young people are trained to assist at the altar during Sunday worship. Carrying the cross they lead the processions into the church at the beginning of the service and out at the end. They receive the bread and wine and the offering at the offertory and help the sub deacon prepare the altar for communion.
We follow a lectionary that sets various scripture readings for each Sunday. Lay people usually read two passages during the service, one from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament. If you enjoy reading aloud, please speak to one of the ministry team or let the church office know. We are always welcoming new readers to the schedule.
During our worship, prayers of petition and thanksgiving are offered and led by a lay person. These follow a general pattern, remembering the church, the world, the sick and those suffering, those who have died and the grieving. If you are interested in this ministry, please speak to a member of the ministry team or contact the church office.
Chalice Bearers
Two lay people assist the sub deacon and the presiding celebrant in administering communion. These individuals are trained to administer the wine. If you are interested, please speak to a member of the ministry team or contact the church office.
Ushers greet and welcome worshippers and assist newcomers. Ushers provide worshippers with weekly bulletins, take up the offering and provide assistance as required.
Each week, the offering needs to be accurately counted and the appropriate records filled in. This is usually done immediately after church. Training is provided. If you are interested, please speak to Richard Snider or contact the church office.